
10 Things You May Not Know About Wordpress

We're all aware that WordPress is a major thing, running 40% of all websites worldwide. But did you know there is certain secret information that might give a spark to your understanding? We are going to reveal ten unexpected facts regarding WordPress in this article. Whether you're a novice or an expert, get ready to discover a side of WordPress you never knew existed! Now let's get started!

Before getting started, let’s know what wordpress actually is.

WordPress is the most popular website builder and content management system (CMS) in the world. It can be used to build a wide range of websites, such as membership sites, blogs, news sites, e-commerce websites, and more.

What makes WordPress so popular is because it is open-source and provides users with a lot of freedom. There are hundreds of WordPress plugins that may be used for almost anything. Additionally, wordpress also provides lots of themes that help in formatting the design and layout of the website.

Initially, WordPress was mostly used for creating blogs. With the advancement of software, you can now create any kind of website you like. You can develop commercial websites, e-commerce storefronts, mobile applications, membership sites, hobby or lifestyle blogs, and professional portfolios.

Things about Wordpress that you may not know

These are some interesting things that you may not know about wordpress.

1. Wordpress is older than twitter and facebook

The initial version of WordPress was launched on May 27, 2003. As a result, WordPress is more ancient than Twitter and Facebook.

2. WordPress tops Google's search engine results page (SERP), with 2.28 billion results

Every month, 2,940,000 searches are made for WordPress, and with 2.28 billion results, it enables Google's search engine results page.

3. WordPress Holds a 67% CMS Market Share

Wordpress is the most used CMS in the world. WordPress holds 63.7% of the market, according to data gathered by W3Techs. Shopify, with a 5.7% market share, is far behind as the second most popular CMS.

4. Wordpress is not owned by any company

Wordpress is the open source platform and is available for anyone to use. Matt Mullenweg, one of the WordPress co-founders, established the WordPress Foundation to safeguard the freedoms provided by open source. The 'WordPress' trademark is owned by this non-profit organization, which also defends the freedoms granted by the software's open-source license.

5. WordPress Drives a Multibillion-Dollar Economy

Hundreds of firms and thousands of experts from all over the world market WordPress-based services, items, and solutions. For hundreds of developers, designers, and company owners, WordPress offers fantastic opportunities to establish their enterprises on the platform.

6. Wordpress is available in more than 200+ languages

A quick glance at WordPress' translation page reveals that it supports 208 locales, 32 of which have 100% translation. There is widespread interest in the accessibility of WordPress across a multitude of languages.

7. Every two minutes, another top ten million website begins to use WordPress

In 2021, it was anticipated that every two minutes, a top ten million website began utilizing WordPress. This indicates that more than 1,000 WordPress sites were built per day among the top 10 million websites.

8. 20% of wordpress code is in Javascript

JavaScript accounts for about 20% of the code in the WordPress core. As WordPress starts to resemble an application development framework more and more, this is predicted to increase.

9. The Cousins of Wordpress

WordPress's community also operates sibling projects such as bbPress, BuddyPress, and GlotPress. Based on the core and principles of WordPress, all of them are open-source programs.

10. Multiple sites from same wordpress installation

A multisite capability included into WordPress is hidden by default. With the same WordPress installation, you may use it for creating a network of websites.


Overall, this look at 10 lesser-known facets of WordPress sheds light on the platform's rich history, growing popularity, and continual growth. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, these insights will help you better comprehend WordPress's impact on influencing the digital world.

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